Monday, June 7, 2010

Coincidences (The reason why life is sweet)

So I was talking to my bestfriend, Amberleigh:), and we were talking about how much we like snakebites (piercings right below your lip on both sides). We were also talking about how much we love Armor For Sleep (:]). It was really weird. She said she'd call me back as soon as my family pulled up to Walgreen's. My aunt went inside, leaving my cousin, my brother, and I. A car pulled up beside me and a really pretty African American girl jumped out and went in the store. Well, the dude driving had snakebites (weird, I tell you, he was hot though haha). Then, I promise, Car Underwater by Armor For Sleep (I'd know that song ANYWHERE) came on. I wanted to shake all their hands. Too bad they're from Georgia. Anyway, I told Ambie the story and she laughed. :)

Songs of The Post:
Tight by Mindless Self Indulgence
Car Underwater by Armor For Sleep

Saturday, June 5, 2010

To Be So Simple, You're Pretty Darn Complex

My family calls me 'book smart'. Which is kind of true. I mean school is pretty easy. But simple day to day tasks sometimes stump me. It's weird. You could ask me some random fact normal people don't know and I might answer it correctly, but I pull doors that say push. I can't figure out some things other people get first time around. I'm what you'd call kinda slow. I enjoy my weirdness. So yeah. I'm a bit of a contradiction sometimes. That leads me back to the title. I just got told, "To be so simple; you're pretty darn complex." And it seriously made my day. :)
Good song? Ummm Life After You-Chris Daughtry
I love his voice. He kind of reminds me of Vin Diesel... who is soooo sexy. :) hahaha

Feeling like a little kid again

I went to Spring Park today. And to summarize it: it was amazing. I got all sweaty and dirty. It was just like the good ole days. I almost fell in a puddle. I ran after my maniac cousin. It was crazy. The only thing that could have made it better is if the funnel cake stand was open. I felt like a little kid again. Then my little cousin fell into a puddle and we had to go. By the way, sitting in the back of a pick up truck is great after getting all sweaty and stuff. Haha. Great, I tell you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lazy Summer Days

Today wasn't exactly a lazy day, but I spent most of in half asleep with a book in my lap and my speakers in my ears listening to 90's grunge. I realized today was one of my last 'lazy' summer days. It kind of sucks almost. In a few days I'm off to a church convention, then camp for three weeks, then four days later (in which I must get my clarinet fixed) it's band camp. Then hello freshmen year. Great. Hahaha.

Anyway... I wanted to share this poem I wrote for a kind of sad occasion.

No one should have to suffer
The way you did
If you would take your life
The way you did

I wish I could see you laugh
The way you did
Wish I could have seen your pain
You masked it well

Even though I wish you were here
Wishing gets me no where
So spread your angel wings
And fly to meet your maker

Your pain is gone
You have your wings
You've touched our lives
With your existence
You'll never be forgotten

Meet you in the skies
On that fateful day
When we'll be together again
And we'll all fly away

And we'll all fly away

Song of the Post: Damn Rough Night- Artist vs. Poet
Good Book: The Pretty One- Cheryl Klam